Who is Rebecca Black?
Rebecca Black is a sweet 13 yr old singer from Anaheim Hills, California and do you ever wonder how she got her song on itunes? During an interview with the Daily Beast, Georgina Kelly, mother of Black recalls how a friend of her daughter told her about the Ark Music Factory, an L.A. record label that allowed young singers to gain experience in the industry by recording a track for a fee.Kelly paid Ark Music $2,000 for a package that included a choice of two pre-written songs, one of this song she choose was "Friday" which at first she hesitate to agree but her daughter insist because the other songs seemed to be too adult for her age.
By the power of the social networking sites and media such as facebook, twitter, tumblr, blogs and youtube her song was viewed by many out of curiosity. The song Friday had gained alot of negative criticism because of the aweful lyrics and the heavy autotune on her voice with a hilarious bad rap about passing school buses. Black became a "Youtube Laughing Stock" while the song and herself was savaged on social networking sites and over the internet. To get the complete song lyrics visit http://www.metrolyrics.com/friday-lyrics-rebecca-black.html
One of the few lines in the song was "Yesterday was Thursday, Today is Friday, Friday We so excited, We gonna have a ball today, Tomorrow is Saturday And Sunday comes after ... wards I don't want this weekend to end". At first I thought an 8 yr old grade school wrote the lyrics and I can't believe how someone can sell this song for a package of $2,000. I guess it was worth paying the said amount if you want to become famous being talked about, and not bad for a beginner because within a week after being released on iTunes her song "Friday" has jumped the sales chart to #19 as of March 19, 2011.
After reading one fan's comment of 'Forget Bieber fever, I have the Black Plague', Black tweeted that the comparison "made my day". Simon Cowell also told the People Magazine over an interview: "I love her [and] the fact that she's gotten so much publicity. People are so upset about the song, but I think it's hysterical." Also adding "I want to meet her. Anyone who can create this much controversy within a week, I want to meet. I love people like that.